Fear and Concern of Internet of Things

Fear and Concern of Internet of Things

Internet of things is getting more and more common, but the question still remains, how safe is it? And what are the things that the user are most commonly concerned about? The most problematic issue is without a doubt, is one that has to do with privacy. According to a survey made by PcWorld, from a … Continue reading

Impact of IoT in Transportation

Impact of IoT in Transportation

IoT gadgets and processes that allow us to move merchandise and people contributing to a more efficient logistic industry will save millions of dollars and make our lives even better. In the aircraft industry for example, GE’s smart jet engines transmit over a terabyte of sensor data per flight. With the sensor data that are … Continue reading

Transmit Patient Data Through Ingestible Sensor

Transmit Patient Data Through Ingestible Sensor

Proteus Digital Health, Inc. announced that the FDA has approved their product, the Ingestion Event Marker(IEM) in 2012. This device can transmit information about the patient to medical professionals and help them customize care. The sensor passes through the body like high-fibre food, Proteus Digital Health told NBCNews.com. The sensor, which is the size of a … Continue reading